首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >中职“心理健康教育”课程中践行“体验式学习”的探索




中职心理健康课程的开展,是有效推进中职生心理健康教育的重要一环。但是,在“心理健康”教学实践中,存在着一定的问题。“体验式学习”是超越传统中职心理健康教育的一种教育方式。在中职心理健康课程中践行“体验式学习”,可运用一些具体策略。当然,在此过程中,难免存在一些问题,对于这些问题进行探究与反思,将对有效开展“心理健康”课程产生重要影响。“体验式学习”进入中职心理健康课程,将有力提升心理健康教育效果,为中职生形成良好的心理素质护航。%To carry out the psychological health course in the secondary vocational school will effectively advance the psycho-logical health education of the students. But there are some prob-lems in the teaching practice of the psychological health. The ex-periential learning is a new educational method which surpasses the traditional psychological health education in the secondary vocational school. To carry out the experiential learning in the psychological health course of the secondary vocational school can use some specific strategies. Certainly, there will be some problems in the process. To deliberate these problems will influ-ence the psychological health course importantly. The experien-tial learning entering into the psychological health course in the secondary vocational school will powerfully advance the educa-tional effect of the psychological health education. It will help the students form a good psychological quality.



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