首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >建构主义视角下“形势与政策”课的Seminar教学模式研究




我国设置的“形势与政策课”是高校对大学生进行当代中国马克思主义最新成果教育的主阵地,是高校思想政治理论课体系中的必修课。本文从建构主义的视角出发,紧密结合Seminar教学模式,分析了“形势与政策课”教学过程中面临的严峻形势,然后从发挥教师的主导作用、重视自主建构与合作性建构的统合、培养学生的学习兴趣,多种方法辅助教学、做好正确的评价等方面总结出提高“形势与政策课”教学效果的若干建议,以期促进高校“形势与政策”课程的教学与发展。%"Situation and Policy", as a compulsory course in the system of university ideological and political education, is a major course implementing the education of the latest results of Marx-ism in contemporary China on university students. Starting from the perspective of constructivism, and closely combining with Seminar teaching model, this paper analyzes the severe situation faced by "Situation and Policy" teaching, and then summarizes several suggestions to improve the teaching effect of "Situation and Policy", such as giving play to the guiding role of the teacher, paying attention to the collaboration between autonomous con-struction and cooperative construction, cultivating students' learning interest, assisting teaching in multiple ways, and effec-tively carrying out evaluation. We hope to promote the teaching and development of"Situation and Policy"course.



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