首页> 中文期刊> 《科教文汇》 >城乡教育一体化下阜阳市青年农民对小学素质教育 认知中的困惑与对策

城乡教育一体化下阜阳市青年农民对小学素质教育 认知中的困惑与对策



农村小学素质教育在"城乡二元化"向着"城乡一体化"转变的过程中仍存在着诸多问题.本文以青年农民对小学素质教育的认知为着手点,捕捉当前农村小学素质教育中存在的问题与窘境,立足于城乡教育一体化的发展趋势,针对阜阳地区教育特点,通过调查分析论证提出突破当下农村小学素质教育困境的对策,为城乡教育均衡发展提供条件,使推进城乡教育一体化建设成为可能.%In the transformation from"urban-rural dualization"to"urban-rural integation", there are still many problems in rural primary school quality-oriented education. With young farmers' cognition of primary school quality-oriented education as the starting point, this paper points out the problems and dilemmas of the present primary school quality-oriented education, and puts forward the countermeasures to break the predicament of the current rural primary school quality-oriented education through investigation, analysis and demonstration based on the trend of urban-rural education integration and the characteristics of edu-cation in Fuyang. The aim is to provide conditions for the bal-anced development of urban and rural education, and provide possibilities for the construction of urban-rural education inte-gration.



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