首页> 中文期刊>齐鲁学刊 >孔子:大地上的行道者——从人类生存的整体性理解孔子思想




孔子预设了当下世界中人类群体生存和发展的绝对性,在天命所照耀、先王伟大传统所灌注的人类整体性存在的视域内,将"仁"显明为人类群体秩序建构的内在亲和力,将"礼"提升为人类群体生存的本质形式,从而为人类整体性存在赋予一种来自天命的神圣辉光,并以自己的亲身践履为身后的大众启示了一条通向人类尊严的大道;他促成了道德标准的内在化,催生了以"行道"为职志、以"圣人"为人格理想的士人阶层,为社会大众提供了在群体中成就自我的方式和途径;他"下学上达"的天命观照亮了人性的幽暗和文化的永恒,开启了人性、物性与天道相贯通的途径,为天下一体的人类礼仪性存在赋予无可置疑的神圣性,标志着即将进入文化勃发期的中华民族对自己历史的觉知和对未来的祈愿.%Confucius presupposes the absoluteness of the existence and development of human groups in the present world. In the visual field of human integrity that is perfusion in the tradition of heavenly life,by making"Benevolence"the intrinsic af-finity of human group order construction while elevating the"rite"to the essential form of human survival,He gives a divine glow to the human being and reveales the public a road to human dignity with his own practice.He contributed to the internali-zation of moral standards,which gave birth to a class of scholars with"the Dao"as their career aspirations and the"saint"as their ideal of personality,thus provides the public with ways and means to achieve themselves in the community of the human being.His view of destiny lit up the darkness of human nature and the culture of the eternal,opens the way through human na-ture,physical properties and the heaven,endows incontestable sacredness to the ceremonial existence of mankind,marks the Culturaloutbreaking Chinese nation s awareness of it s own history and wish for it s future.



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