首页> 中文期刊>外国中小学教育 >新世纪以来澳大利亚学校改进的举措与挑战




Since global wave of STEM prompts Australian Commonwealth Government to emphasize on students' skill training, in addition to the lack of international competitiveness in secondary school of Australia, as well as the disproportion of basic education development and continue decline of the PISA scores, Australia commonwealth government adopts a series of school improvement programs. In all, those measures can be concluded into four main domains: focusing the disadvantaged students to make them get improved, facing the global to cultivate the competence Australians, emphasizing the accountability in the process to make most of every penny grant, and advocating quality to improve the quality of basic education comprehensively. However, the school improvement programs since the new century do not realize the expected goals and the schools still face two main challenges, students' poor performance and significant differences in academic performance between students.%由于STEM的全球浪潮促进澳大利亚联邦政府重视学生技能的培养,并且其中学阶段的教育缺乏国际竞争力,再加上基础教育发展不均衡和学生在PISA测试中的成绩持续下滑的国内现实,澳大利亚联邦政府采取了一系列的学校改进项目.总体而言,可以将其具体措施概括为四个方面:对内关注薄弱,让处境不利的学生获得发展;对外面向全球,培育有竞争力的澳大利亚人;在过程中强调问责,让每一分资助都尽其用;在结果上崇尚优质,试图全面提升基础教育质量.然而,新世纪以来的学校改进并没有达到其预期目标,并且还面临着学生表现不佳以及学生学业成绩差异大这两大主要的挑战.



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