首页> 中文期刊>实用药物与临床 >不同浓度依托咪酯对内毒素孵育前后兔离体肺、体动脉环张力的影响




Objective To observe the effects of etomidate on isolated rabbit pulmonary and aortic artery rings before and after LPS incubation, and provide evidence for narcotic choice of clinic septic shock. Methods The rings of pulmonary and aortic arteries were prepared and randomly divided into 4 groups: normal pulmonary artery rings group, LPS incubated pulmonary artery rings group, normal aortic artery rings group and LPS incubated aortic artery rings group. The effects of etomidate of 1. 0 μmol/L,2. 0 μmol/L, 10. 0 μmol/L on pulmonary and aortic arteries in two groups were observed when phenylephrine( PE )pre-contracting. Results The tone of pulmonary and aortic arteries be fore and after LPS incubated had no significant difference( P > 0. 05 )when 1. 0 μmol/L of etomidate was given; the tone of normal pulmonary and aortic arteries and LPS aortic arteries increased significantly( P < 0. 05 )when 2. 0 μmol/ L of etomidate was given; the tone of LPS pulmonary and aortic artery rings were significantly lower than those of nor mal pulmonary and aortic artery rings( P <0. 05 )when 10. 0 μmol/L of etomidate was given. Conclusion Etomidate in lower concentration has contractive effect on major,the vasodilation of pulmonary artery caused by etomidate is more obvious than that of aortic artery, along with the increase of concentration, it may correlate to the inhibition of vasocon striction by high concentration of etomidate.%目的 研究不同浓度依托咪酯(Etomidate,Eto)对内毒素(Lipopolysaccharide,LPS)孵育前后的离体兔肺动脉和主动脉环张力的影响,为临床脓毒性休克麻醉药选择提供依据.方法 制备兔离体肺动脉环和主动脉环,随机分为4组:正常肺动脉环组、LPS孵育后肺动脉环组、正常主动脉环组、LPS孵育后主动脉环组,观察Eto在去氧肾上腺素预收缩动脉环的作用下,Eto剂量分别为1.0、2.0、10.0 μmol/L时,对4组肺动脉和主动脉环的张力作用.结果 Eto的给药量为1.0μmol/L时,LPS孵育前后肺、主动脉环张力无明显变化(P>0.05);2.0 μmol/L时,正常肺、主动脉环和LPS孵育后主动脉环张力明显上升(P<0.05);10.0 μmol/L时,LPS孵育的肺、主动脉环的张力较正常肺、主动脉环明显下降(P<0.05).结论 低浓度Eto收缩机制占主导,但随着浓度增加,Eto引起内毒素孵育后肺动脉舒张的程度比体动脉更明显,可能与高浓度Eto抑制血管收缩功能有关.



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