首页> 中文期刊>海外英语(上) >替罪羔羊--剖析“嘉莉妹妹”的“堕落”




Theodore Dreiser had been criticized heavily for creating the protagonist Sister Carrie in his first novel Sister Carrie by American society at his time. With the passage of time, things have changed. There are no longer complete critics among readers and there are more voices of defense for Carrie. Is“Sister Carrie”inseparable with the word“degeneration”? With this ques-tion as the start point, the current study attempts to analyze the degeneration of Carrie from the view of feminism. Relevant psy-chological theories will be used in this study. Based on the analysis, a conclusion can be drew:The accusation of degeneration at-tached to Carrie is in fact due to other factors which make Carrie a fell guy.%西奥多·德莱塞曾因塑造了“嘉莉妹妹”这样一个角色,在美国当时的社会一度受到严厉指责和批评,“嘉莉妹妹”真的跟“堕落”这两个字眼密不可分吗?当前研究以这个问题为切入点,试图从女性主义的角度,结合心理学相关的理论对小说文本进行细致的分析,得出如下结论:加在嘉莉身上的“堕落”罪名其实是另有罪魁祸首的,嘉莉实际上是充当了替罪羔羊的角色。



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