首页> 中文期刊>护理研究 >家庭医生制度下IMPACT培训模式对居家长期照护者照护知识和技能的影响




[目的]探讨家庭医生制度下 IMPACT 培训模式对居家长期照护者照护知识和技能的影响。[方法]采用 IMPACT 培训模式对200名居家照护者进行为期4周的培训,培训前后评价居家照护者对老年人照护常识的自评情况,对老年保健知识、安全知识、疾病知识、护理知识4个模块护理专业知识的考核情况和培训后护理操作技能的合格率,并分析其居家照护知识掌握情况的主要影响因素。[结果]实施 IMPACT 培训模式后,居家照护者对大多数老年人照护常识的自评高于培训前(P <0.01);培训后保健知识、安全知识、疾病知识、护理知识4个模块的考核成绩高于培训前(P <0.01),护理操作技能合格率达96.5%;高中以上学历的照护者护理知识的得分高于初中以下学历者(P <0.05),有过培训经历的照护者保健知识、安全知识和护理知识的得分高于无培训经历者(P <0.05)。[结论]家庭医生制度下的全科团队利用 IMPACT 培训模式可有效提高居家照护者对老年人照护常识的知晓度、居家照护专业知识和照护技能。%Objective:To probe into the influence of IMPACT training model based on family doctor system on care knowledge and skills of home long term caregiver.Methods:A total of 200 home caregivers were trained using IMPACT training model for 4 weeks.The main influencing factors of home care knowledge were analyzed by using self assessment of home caregivers for knowledge on the elderly before and after the training,examina-tion status of 4 modules of nursing professional knowledge including the elderly health care knowledge,safety knowledge,knowledge of disease,nursing knowledge,qualified rate of nursing skills after training.Results:After implementation of IMPACT model training,self assessment of home caregiver to knowledge for most elderly was higher than that before the training (P <0.01);scores of 4 modules of nursing professional knowledge in-cluding the elderly health care knowledge,safety knowledge,knowledge of disease were higher than that before the training (P <0.01),qualified rate of nursing skills was 96.5%;the score of care knowledge of caregivers ed-ucated in above the high school was higher than that of caregivers educated in less the junior high school (P <0.05);the scores of health knowledge,nursing knowledge and safety knowledge of trained caregivers were higher than those without trained (P <0.05).Conclusion:The whole family group using the IMPACT training model could effectively improve the awareness of the elderly care knowledge,home care professional level and skills based on the family doctor system.



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