首页> 中文期刊> 《噪声与振动控制》 >车内噪声听觉时域掩蔽主动控制LMS算法




Based on the traditional active noise control (ANC) LMS method, a post-masking LMS algorithm is developed considering the post-masking effect of human audition. Taking the ANC of automobile’s interior noise as an example, the traditional LMS and post-masking LMS algorithms are used respectively for ANC simulation of the vehicle’s interior noise at different speeds by means of MATLAB code. The result is compared with the measurement data. It shows that the newly developed post-masking LMS algorithm can give a lower loudness level, yield a better noise control result than that from the traditional LMS and provide a good subjective hearing sensation of the vehicle’s interior noises.%在传统噪声主动控制LMS算法基础上,考虑人耳听觉感知的后掩蔽效应,推导出Post-masking LMS算法。以汽车车内噪声主动降噪为例,分别采用LMS与Post-masking LMS算法,在Matlab环境中对实测的不同车速下车内噪声信号进行有源噪声控制仿真试验,结果表明Post-masking LMS算法能在传统LMS算法的基础上进一步降低车内噪声响度水平,具有更好的降噪效果和主观听觉感受。



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