首页> 中文期刊> 《现代隧道技术》 >浅析海积淤泥地层地铁车站基坑群的相互影响




The Qianhaiwan station of the Shenzhen Metro is located in the reclamation area of Qianhai, which consists of a typical marine mud stratum. The excavation of a foundation pit, envelope controlling, and the stability of the rock surrounding the subway station are key in such complex conditions. The station runs parallel to the integrated, key transportation projects in Qianhaiwan, and interaction may occur among the foundation pits of these projects. Based on the numerical simulation of different foundation pit spaces, excavation sequences, and consolidation, the relationship of foundation pit spaces to the excavation sequence was studied and reasonable values concerning this are given.%深圳地铁前海湾车站地处前海填海区域,属于典型的海积淤泥地层,在复杂的海积淤泥地层条件下进行地铁车站基坑开挖、控制基坑围护体系及周围地层的稳定是整个工程施工的重点,也是一大难点.前海湾综合交通枢纽工程呈平行布置,在开挖过程中多个基坑会产生相互影响,通过对不同的基坑间距、两个基坑开挖顺序和加固措施进行数值模拟,研究基坑围护结构位移与两个基坑施工中基坑间距、基坑开挖顺序的关系,得出了产生相互影响的基坑间距、合理的开挖顺序及加固措施.



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