首页> 中文期刊>现代教育技术 >人工智能时代高校教育技术中心的功能定位——以上海交通大学教育技术中心为例




In the age of artificial intelligence, information technology and teaching have been intersected and integrated deeply, which further effectively facilicated the realization of three core transformations. In this context, starting from the definition of educational technology, this paper oriented the function of university educational technology center toward serving the whole process of teaching and learning in schools. Furthermore, aiming at the objects of three implementing behaviors including technical suppliers – industry manufacturers, technical users – teachers and students, technical evaluators – educational administration departments, their specifically functional orientations were proposed respectively. Meanwhile, the above viewpoints were demeonstrated with the example of educational technology center in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Determining the functional orientation of university educational technology center in the age of artificial intelligence could more effectively ensure the smooth development of various teaching work in schools, better adapt to the needs of educational reform and development under new situation, and then promote the integration and innovation development of educational informatization and teaching practice.%在人工智能时代,信息技术与教育教学进行了交叉和深度融合,并有力地促成了三个核心转变的实现.在此背景下,文章从教育技术的定义出发,将高校教育技术中心的功能定位于服务学校教与学的全过程,并针对三个实施行为的客体对象,包括技术供给者——行业厂商、技术使用者——教师与学生、技术评价者——教务管理部门,分别提出了具体的功能定位;同时,文章以上海交通大学教育技术中心为例,进行了实例论证.高校教育技术中心明确在人工智能时代的功能定位,可以更有力地保障学校的各项教学工作顺利展开,更好地适应新形势下教育变革和发展的需要,从而助推教育信息化与教学实践的融合创新发展.



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