首页> 中文期刊>现代教育科学(高教研究) >高宽课程的关键经验及其对我国学前教育的影响




关键经验是幼儿在活动过程中通过不断建构而获得的对幼儿未来的发展有重要价值的经验,其在美国的高宽课程中具有广泛的应用。关键经验对我国幼儿园教育活动实施、幼儿园环境创设以及幼儿发展评价等具有重要影响。从未来发展看,研究者应深入分析关键经验对我国学前教育改革的指导作用,探究学前儿童关键经验获得的实践路径,探讨如何基于关键经验发展学前儿童核心素养的问题。%The key experience is obtained by children through the continuous construction in the process of ac-tivities, which has a wide range of applications in the United States. It has important value for the development of children’s future. Key experiences have an important influence on the implementation of kindergarten educa-tion activities, the creation of kindergarten environment and the evaluation of early childhood development. From the perspective of future development, researchers should deeply analyze the guiding role of key experi-ences to the reform of preschool education in China, explore the practical path of key experiences of preschool children and discuss how to develop the core competence of preschool children based on the key experiences.



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