首页> 中文期刊>现代教育管理 >中国职业教育立法的百年历程及反思




中国职业教育立法在百年历程中进行过数次的制度构建。清末实业教育立法为民国职业教育立法奠定基础,在效法他国模式、学习其先进经验的进程中进行本土化的实践与探索,逐渐形成了比较完备成熟的职业教育法律体系。新中国成立后,单纯照搬苏联模式,全盘否定旧中国的立法体系,加上受到政治运动的影响和干扰,职业教育的发展及其法制建设大起大落。直到改革开放后,中国职业教育立法才逐步走上正轨,并取得重大成就。中国职业教育立法的百年历程,每一个时期都有其自身鲜明特点,需要我们认真归纳、总结和反思其中成败得失,为推动中国职业教育法制建设进程尽绵薄之力。%China’s vocational education legislation had several system building in one hundred years. Industrial education legislation in the late Qing Dynasty had laid a good foundation for the vocational education legislation of the republic of China ,which had the localization of exploration and practice in the process of following other countries’ model,and learning the advanced experience. So that gradually had formed a relatively complete mature vocational education legal system. After the founding of new China ,simply copying the Soviet model and negating the legislation system of old China had resulted in the development of vocational education and legal system construction of ups and downs ,due to being affected by the political movement and interference. Until after the reform and opening up,China’s vocational education legislation gradually was on the right track. Each period has its own distinctive features in one hundred of China’s vocational education legislation. We need to do some seriously induction,summary and reflection on the success or failure,gain or loss,in order to promote China’s vocational education legal construction process.



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