首页> 中文期刊> 《现代临床护理》 >简易膀胱容量测定技术与尿流动力学检查评定脊髓损伤病人膀胱功能的一致性研究




目的:探讨简易膀胱容量测定技术与尿流动力学检查在评定脊髓损伤病人膀胱功能方面的一致性。方法2011年12月~2013年8月,对37例脊髓损伤病人在入院1周内分别接受简易膀胱容量测定和尿流动力学检查。比较两种检查在判断神经源膀胱类型、测量残余尿、膀胱容量以及充盈期膀胱内压力变化方面的一致性。结果在残余尿量以及注水50 mL、100 mL、300 mL、400 mL时膀胱压力方面,简易膀胱容量测定与尿流动力学检查比较,均P>0.05,差异无统计学意义;在膀胱容量和注水200 mL时膀胱压力方面,两者比较,均P<0.05,差异具有统计学意义。两种检查方法测定结果之间的组间相关系数为0.606~0.919(均P<0.01),医生与护士根据两种方法对神经源膀胱类型的判断一致性Kappa系数为0.825(P<0.001)。结论简易膀胱容量测定技术与尿流动力学在评定脊髓损伤病人膀胱功能方面的一致性良好。由于其操作简单易行、成本较低,因此简易膀胱容量测定可作为尿流动力学检查的补充,用于动态监测脊髓损伤病人的膀胱功能情况。%ObjectiveTo explore the correlations of simple bladder capacity measurement and urodynamic examination used for assessing the bladder function of patients with spinal cord injury.Methods From December 2011 to September 2013,a total of 37 patients with spinal cord injury were recruited.Their bladder functions were examined by both simple bladder capacity measurement and urodynamics in the first week after admission.The type of neurogenic bladder,residue urine,bladder capacity and the changes of bladder pressure were documented and compared.Results The simple bladder capacity measurement and urodynamics showed no significant differences in the parameters including residual urine,and bladder pressures when inputting 50mL,100mL,300mL and 400mL water(P>0.05). But there were significant differences in the results of bladder capacity and bladder pressure when inputting 200mL water(P<0.05). The intra-class coefficients between the results by the two methods were 0.606~0.919(P<0.01).The Kappa coefficient of the health professionals’judgments according to the two methods was 0.825(P<0.001).Conclusions The results of simple bladder capacity measurement are reliable.It can be used as the supplement for urodynamics to monitor the bladder function of patients with spinal cord injury.



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