首页> 中文期刊> 《载人航天》 >“阿波罗”登月飞行器热控系统方案概述




“阿波罗”登月飞行器是目前唯一完成脱离地球轨道飞行的载人深空探测飞行器。其热控系统设计方案和实施措施可为我国将来研制载人深空探测航天器热控系统所借鉴。调研了“阿波罗”登月飞行器的热控系统方案,对比近地轨道载人飞船热控系统设计方案,得到“阿波罗”为了适应任务的需要,在“水星”、“双子星”热控方案的基础上发展出在指令舱与服务舱使用的独特的以停滞式辐射器为热排散系统的流体回路系统;指令舱新型热控涂层系统;以升华器、蒸发器等为热排散装置的消耗型相变热排散系统;然后对比分析了登月舱初期热控系统设计方案及最终的热控系统设计方案。在分析“阿波罗”登月飞行器热控关键技术及其实施措施的基础上,进一步了解到“阿波罗”登月飞行器热控系统设计的特点。%The Apollo spaceship is the only manned deep space exploration spacecraft beyond earth orbit, which might provide reference for the future development of China's manned spacecraft thermal control system. Based on the investigation of Apollo's thermal control system design, and comparing with that of the near-earth orbit manned spacecraft, we find that Apollo developed its unique freeze-tolerance radiator fluid loop system used in command module and service module, new coating system used in command module, and heat dissipation system with sublimator and evaporator as its heat dissipation equipment. Comparing and analyzing the variation between the early design and final design of Apollo thermal control system scheme, the characteristics of Apollo thermal control design are summarized.



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