首页> 中文期刊>云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >21世纪高师音乐教育教学改革与人才培养模式思考




本文就高师音乐教育培养模式与社会对基础音乐教育人才需求的错位、21世纪高师音乐教育如何树立新的基础音乐教育人才培养观以及教育模式、教学方式方法几方面进行了思考,提出了高师音乐教育观念的转变必须适应社会大环境对人才的需要,必须符合教育改革对人才标准的总体要求,必须符合高师音乐教育人才培养目标的见解。在课程结构与设置方面,提出了强化实用技能课程,增设前沿学科课程,补充边沿学科讲座,辐射社会文化课堂等设想。%Efforts are made in this essay by analysis, first, the incoherence between the social needs for musical talents and their training mode in normal college, and secondly, the establishing of new theories and teaching methods on the educating and training of elementary musical teachers so as to put forward the following ideas: the theory on musical educating in normal college must be in conformity with the social needs for musical education of normal colleges; courses on technical training should be emphasized; courses on the imroduction of leading theories should be enhanced; lectures on neighboring learning should be held and courses open on the mass should be arranged.



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