首页> 中文期刊>云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >外派经理适应研究的理论构建




The adaptation of expatriate managers to the local tasks has long been a research focus both in cross-regional managerial practices and international HRM researches.Previous studies have focused on their adaptation to local roles,the theory of different modes and phases,cultural differ-ences,institutional support and group relations,but fewer researches have centered on empirical data and the relevant strategies.Based on ASD multi-stage adaptation theory,this paper regards the adap-tation of expatriate managers as a multi-stage process involving proper models and strategies.The success of their adaptation is determined by lots of factors,including the psychological contract,role identity,institutional support,LMX and expatriate tasks.The paper finally brings up a theory for the adaptation of expatriate managers.%外派经理适应异地工作问题一直是跨地区经营实践和国际人力资源管理研究的焦点问题。以往研究在外派适应调整方面较多,提出了外派适应类型和阶段假设,分析了外派适应调整中的工作任务、文化差异、组织支持和群体关系等因素的影响。但较少研究通过实证方式研究外派适应性调整的模式与策略。运用 ASD 多阶段适应理论,将外派适应调整看作是对于多阶段外派难题的适应,并运用模式和策略进行适应调整的过程。外派适应成功与否取决于众多因素的作用,文中围绕外派适应总结了心理契约、角色认知、组织支持、LMX 和外派任务等多方面的研究,提出了外派适应的理论框架。



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