首页> 中文期刊>西安建筑科技大学学报(自然科学版) >大跨度传统纯石牌楼的技术创新与实践——以宝鸡新行政广场'石牌楼'为例




坚固是一座建筑存在的根本,也是使用者安全问题的保证.先进结构技术构成了推动建筑快速发展的主导力量.通过预应力技术改变石构件截面上的应力分布、状态和性质,使其满足规范规定的各项安全标准,并使石材的冷脆性得到一些弹塑性改善,从而拓宽石材的应用范围.同时将预应力技术与传统榫卯技术相结合,解决了石材作为建筑材料不能用于大跨度承重构件的难题,为此类项目的实施提供了理论依据.%Solidity is not only essential to an architecture existing.It is also the user's safe guarantees.The advanced structure technology constituted the dominant force promoting the rapid development of construction engineering.By changing the stress distribution, state and property of stone component cross-section through the pre-stressed technique so as to meet the specification of the safety standards, and improving the stone cold brittleness so as to broaden the scope of application of stone.Meanwhile, by combining the pre-stress technique and the traditional mortise and tenon technique, problem that the stone as a building material can not be used in the large-span load-bearing component is overcome and this, it can provide a theoretical basis for the implementation of such projects.



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