首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Accelerated Silicosis—An Emerging Epidemic Associated with Engineered Stone. Comment on Leso V. et al. Artificial Stone Associated Silicosis: A Systematic Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019 16 (4) 568 doi:10.3390/ijerph16040568

Accelerated Silicosis—An Emerging Epidemic Associated with Engineered Stone. Comment on Leso V. et al. Artificial Stone Associated Silicosis: A Systematic Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019 16 (4) 568 doi:10.3390/ijerph16040568

机译:加速矽肺病-与工程石有关的新流行病。评论LesoV.等。人造石相关矽肺病:系统评价。诠释J.环境。 Res。公共卫生201916(4)568doi:10.3390 / ijerph16040568



The systematic review by Leso et al. (16 February 2019) is a timely contribution to the body of knowledge concerning silicosis. It highlights the lack of quality data necessary to inform both occupational health risk management and the clinical management of workers exposed to respirable crystalline silica. This communication highlights current activity being undertaken in Queensland, Australia, that will further inform our knowledge concerning this entirely preventable disease. We are about half-way through a government-funded, case-finding program involving over 800 workers from the engineered stone bench-top fabrication industry. As of 15 February 2019, 99 confirmed cases of silicosis associated with engineered stone work were identified; nearly all were asymptomatic. The empirically observed false negative rate of ILO CXRs in this high-risk group appeared significantly greater than 10%. From pooled data, we hope to develop an appropriate index of exposure to trigger health surveillance using low-dose chest HRCT. Once a worker develops symptoms of silicosis, apart from lung transplantation, there are no treatment options currently available.
机译:莱索等人的系统评价。 (2019年2月16日)是对矽肺病知识体系的及时贡献。它突显了缺乏必要的质量数据,无法为职业健康风险管理和接触可吸入结晶硅的工人的临床管理提供信息。该通讯重点介绍了澳大利亚昆士兰州目前正在开展的活动,这些活动将进一步为我们提供有关这种完全可预防的疾病的知识。我们正在进行一项政府资助的案例研究计划的一半,该计划涉及来自工程石材台式制造行业的800多名工人。截至2019年2月15日,已确认99例与工程石材工作有关的矽肺病病例;几乎没有症状。根据经验观察到,在这一高风险组中,ILO CXR的假阴性率明显高于10%。从合并的数据来看,我们希望使用低剂量胸部HRCT建立适当的暴露指数以触发健康监测。一旦工人出现了矽肺病的症状,除了肺移植,目前没有可用的治疗选择。



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