首页> 中文期刊>西安交通大学学报(社会科学版) >呕心沥血促西迁深谋远虑求发展--追寻彭康校长的西迁背影




透过20世纪50年代交通大学西迁的史实片段,折射了彭康校长率领老一代交大人西迁艰苦创业的历史宏图和建树的丰功伟绩;讴歌了彭康校长以哲学家的智慧、革命家的坚定、文学家的修养,面对交大西迁的艰巨使命,在复杂多舛的环境下,明辨大是大非,高瞻远瞩,积极响应国家号召,坚定地拥护迁校,并全力以赴实施迁校;颂扬了彭康校长以及老一代交大人的“西迁精神”,创立并奠定了西安交大坚实厚重的可持续发展的基业;为国家和西部建设发展做出的卓著功勋彪炳史册;期冀新时期交大人弘扬“西迁精神”,并以“一带一路”为契机,在实现“中国梦”的感召下,完成西安交大西咸新区第二次“西迁”,再创璀璨辉煌的新篇章。%Through the historical fragments of Jiaotong University moving to the west in 1950′s,the great achievements and the spirit of pioneering with arduous efforts of President Peng Kang who led the old generation of Jiaotong Univeristy move to the west has been completely reflected in this paper.This paper also praises highly President Peng who posses-ses wisdom of a philosopher,perseverance of a revolutionist,and mastery of a litterateur.Encountering the arduous mis-sion of moving to the west and under the complicated circumstances,president Peng discriminated clearly,looked far a-head and aimed high,responded actively to the call of government,supported firmly to moving to the west and spared no efforts to implement.The spirit of "Moving to the West"has been praised highly,which has created and established the foundation of sustainable development of Xi′an Jiaotong University.His contribution to our country and western develop-ment has been recorded to history.People of Xi′an Jiaotong University in new era should carry forward "the Spirit of Moving to the West"and complete the second "Moving to the West"from Xi′an to Xian Yang with the opportunity of "One Belt and One Road"project and the inspiration of "Chinese Dream",hoping to create brand new glory.



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