首页> 中文期刊>梧州学院学报 >精致化视角下的高校辅导员能力与素质建设研究




高校思想政治教育工作需要进一步创新,只有不断创新科研成果才能推动学生工作的精致化。精致化视角下的高校辅导员能力与素质建设具有十分重要的意义。应结合当前的工作实践,不断总结,探究辅导员能力发展的基本路径。精致化是高校思想政治教育工作未来发展方向上的指南针,可以促进高校辅导员引领思想风潮,不断创新,为学生成长成才奠定良好的发展基础。%More innovation should be made in college ideological and political education because only constant innovation in terms of findings of scientific researches can promote such education for students to the level of elaboration. It is of great significance to develop he ability and quality of college counsellors form the perspective of elaboration by taking into account the current practical work, summing up relevant experience and exploring a basic way to improve college counsellors' ability and quality. Elaboration will certainly be a guidance in developing ideological and political education in colleges in the future. It can push college counsellors to lead the style of thought and make innovations continuously, which will set a good foundation for students' growth and success.



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