首页> 中文期刊> 《武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)》 >城市公交线网换乘性能评估指标及方法




立足反映公交线网整体、概括性特征,围绕线网固有拓扑结构、公交运营时刻组织,建立包括线路平均换乘次数、路网平均换乘次数、站点平均换乘次数和平均换乘等候时间的公交线网换乘性能评估指标。依靠Arcgis ,Matlab和数据库等成熟软件综合运用,给出公交线网换乘性能评估总体技术路线,依次构建公交线网邻接矩阵、线路换乘次数和换乘等候时间矩阵、站点换乘次数矩阵,对公交线网换乘性能进行分析,以指导公交线网规划、协调公交运营组织。同时结合实例进行分析,证明方法切实可行,特别能够适应大规模公交线网换乘性能评估需要。%Based on the reflection of urban public transit network overall ,general characteristics ,a-round the inherent network topology and bus operation ,this paper establishes evaluation index of ur-ban public transit network transfer performance :line average transfer times ,overall network average transfer times ,station average transfer times and average transfer waiting time .Relying on the inte-grated use of mature software ArcGIS ,MATLAB and database software ,proposes the overall techni-cal routes for urban public transit network transfer performance evaluation ,in turn to construct public transit network adjacency matrix ,line transfer time matrix ,transfer waiting time matrix and station transfer matrix ,assesses public transit network transfer performance ,guides the public transit net-work planning and coordinates bus operation .Combined with case analysis ,proves that the method is feasible ,particularly suitable for large-scale public transit network transfer performance evaluation .



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