首页> 中文期刊> 《振动与冲击》 >消能减震伸臂桁架超高层结构抗震性能研究




In super-tall buildings, the structure consisting of central core tubes and peripheral frames is one of the popular systems. Outriggers are usually set between the tubes and frames to coordinate the internal forces and structural deformations. Targeting on a 240-meter super-tall building, the seismic performance of the structure was analysed in the following cases: without outriggers, with one set of outriggers, and two sets of outriggers. Then viscous dampers were introduced to the outriggers in the structure part where the structural stiffness and relative displacement are large. The seismic performances of the tall buildings with five different types of dampered outriggers were analyzed. The conclusions give the foundation for future research on dampered outriggers in super-tall buildings.%随着结构总高度的不断刷新,如何使超高层结构满足抗震设计要求已成为工程界关注的主要问题.近年来超高层结构体系广泛采用了中间核心筒与外围框架相结合的结构形式,通过设置伸臂桁架来协调核心筒与框架间的受力和变形.针对一240m高超高层建筑结构,对比无伸臂桁架、一道伸臂桁架、二道伸臂桁架的抗震效果;提出在伸臂桁架与外框架间布置粘滞阻尼器,即通过在结构刚度较大、变形较大的部位引入附加阻尼来减小结构在强震作用下的反应,并对带5种不同阻尼器布置伸臂桁架结构的抗震效果进行了分析.将为今后消能减震伸臂桁架超高层结构研究打下基础.



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