首页> 中文期刊>天津电大学报 >教师专业发展维度下高职“评聘分离”评价体系的构建




高职教师专业发展是逐渐完善教师知识结构,提升教师教育教学能力、学术研究能力和实践能力等专业能力,增强教师职业素养,使教师从“教育新手”逐渐成长为“教育教学专家”的过程,这一过程呈现出阶段性和持续性的统一、自主性和外在性的统一、理论性和实践性的统一的特征。高职院校实行“评聘分离”双轨制,制定可调的职务聘任标准、完善职务竞争聘任机制、健全考核激励制度,将有利于促进高职教师专业发展的可持续化和品牌化。%The professional development of teachers will gradually perfect the knowledge structure of teachers, improve teachers’ all kinds of professional abilities, such as education and teaching ability, research ability, practice ability, enhance the teacher professional accomplishment, make teachers gradually translate into“education and teaching experts” from“education beginners”. This process presents the unity of the theory and practical characteristics, the unity of stage and durative, the unity of independence and the externality. Higher vocational colleges enforce the“separation evaluation from appointment” double-track system, formulate adjustable post appointment standard, improve competent appointment mechanism, perfect performance appraisal system, which will be conducive to promote the professional development of teachers sustainable and branding.



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