首页> 中文期刊>天津电大学报 >少数民族社区教育传承民族传统文化的理论探讨




少数民族社区教育植根于少数民族日常生活,是对“教育即生活”、“生活即教育”理念的实践,是一种由主体民族全民参与的、自发性的村寨式教育。在传承民族传统文化方面具有学校教育、家庭教育无法代替的作用。加强发展适合民族传统文化传承的现代少数民族社区教育,不仅是少数民族传统文化保持时代活力、持久繁衍的时代需求,也是少数民族社区教育与时俱进、健康发展的自身需求。%Minority community education being rooted in daily life of the minority. Their daily life is the practice of educational concept in “the education being the life and the life being education. It is also a type of village education that the whole people in villages participate in spontaneous. This type of education has an irreplaceable role in the cultural heritage of national traditions, compared to school education, and family education. Thus, enhancing the appropriate development of modern minority community education for the sake of protecting national traditions is not only a way of keeping vitality and lasting of minority intangible cultural heritage of era demands, but also is a way of keeping pace with the times to realize the healthy development of their own needs.



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