首页> 中文期刊>青岛大学师范学院学报 >学习共同体研究热点领域与发展趋势--基于2003年-2015年CNKI核心期刊文献的共词可视化分析




This essay uses co-word analysis to draw the visualizing map for the hot research area of the relat-ed core journals and CSSCI journals collected in CNKI database from 2003 to 2015.The hot research areas mainly concerned teachers’professional development,educational reform of the universities,classroom learning community and virtual learning community.In the hot research areas,the empirical study of learning community and educational reform and the research on teachers’professional learning community are two major stable and mature research areas which can be further improved.The research on classroom learning community is frustrat-ingly loose which can be improved by breaking the barriers between the courses,learning and classroom and bridging the gap between classroom learning and after-class learning via learning community theories.The study of virtual internet learning community is closely connected with the other hot research area which needs to be fur-ther integrated with the other research areas.%对中国知网2003年-2015年核心期刊文献进行条件检索,利用系统聚类分析和多维尺度分析勾勒学习共同体研究热点的主要话题领域。发现其研究热点领域主要集中在教师专业发展、学校教育改革、课堂学习共同体和网络虚拟学习共同体等方面。借助战略坐标图展现各个研究主题的发展趋势,其中“学习共同体与学校教育改革的实践研究”和“教师专业学习共同体研究”已经比较成熟和稳定,可通过完善自身内部结构和扩大与其他主题之间的联系以推动研究新进展;“课堂学习共同体”的相关研究比较分散,未来可尝试打通“课程”、“学习”和“课堂”之间的壁垒,通过学习共同体理论为学校课堂学习和课外学习搭建桥梁;“网络虚拟学习共同体研究”和其他主题之间联系密切,但仍需提高主题内部研究的一致性。



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