首页> 中文期刊> 《苏州教育学院学报》 >孔子天命思想与终极构成境域—以海德格尔纯势态思想为角度的分析




在对原发境域的探索方式上,孔予以构成式的理解去领会思想的终极状态,其天命观散发出敏锐的“终极识度”,这样的终极识度在东方哲学诸如老庄、佛道思想中都有相当的体现。纯势态的海德格尔思想在此处深合于孔子的天道观。自西周始,周人即以一种人的存在方式这样的识度来“以德配天”,而孔子对周人原发境域下的天与命深切体悟在心,以一种“仁”之根本思想方式和“礼”之行为方式来契入此纯构成境域,由知命,知天性再到知天,达至于天人之境。%In his exploration of the original realm, Confucius interprets the ultimate state of ideology in a manner of formation and his ideology of destiny shows a deep insight into the "ultimate consciousness", which is frequently embodied in the oriental philosophical schools such as Taoism and Buddhism. Heidegger's pure state ideology coincides fully with the Confucian notion of the nature. People of the Western Zhou Dynasty started to adapt their morals to the nature with the consciousness of man's existence. Based on the ancestors' original realm, Confucius has a great understanding of the relationship between destiny and the nature. He tried to suit the pure formation state with "humanity" as the fundamental ideology and "ritual" as the basic conduct. The integration of man and nature can only be achieved with knowledge of destiny, of the laws of nature and of the nature itself.



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