首页> 中文期刊> 《南方农业学报》 >基于流式细胞术的5种鼠尾草基因组C值测定




[Objective]The genomic C value of five Salvia species were determined in order to provide reference for further study on genomics, cytobiology and germplasm resource of Salvia species. [Method]Fresh leaves of S. forskaohlei, S. guaranitica, S. uliginosa, S. hierosolymitana and S. viscosa were taken as samples. The known genome of Oryza sativa subsp. japonica'Nipponbare' was set as internal standard. Genomic C value detection by flow cytometry(FCM) was es-tablished for Salvia. [Result]Screened by dissociation liquid, LB01 dissociation liquid was the optimal one for Salvia species. The detected variable coefficient (CV) of five Salvia species and control were smaller than 5.0%. Cell suspension could be tested on equipment after adding propidium iodide(PI) for 5 min staining. The genomic C value of S. forskaohlei, S. guaranitica, S. uliginosa, S. hierosolymitana and S. viscosa were 0.555, 1.170, 1.515, 1.031 and 0.884 pg respectively. And there was significant defference between the C values(P<0.05). [Conclusion]The detected C values of five Salvia species can enrich C value database of Salvia. The C value detection method established based on FCM for Salvia species can provide reference for the related research on other Salvia species.%[目的]测定5种鼠尾草植物C值,为鼠尾草属的基因组学、细胞生物学和种质资源研究提供参考依据.[方法]以斑花鼠尾草、深蓝鼠尾草、天蓝鼠尾草、耶路撒冷鼠尾草和腺毛鼠尾草的嫩叶为材料,以已知基因组的水稻日本晴为内标,建立适合于鼠尾草基因组的流式细胞术C值测定方法.[结果]经解离液筛选,LB01解离液为鼠尾草属植物的最佳选择,测定5种鼠尾草和对照水稻的变异系数(CV)均小于5.0%;细胞悬浮液在加入碘化丙啶(PI)染色5 min左右即可上机检测.斑花鼠尾草、深蓝鼠尾草、天蓝鼠尾草、耶路撒冷鼠尾草和腺毛鼠尾草的1C值分别为0.555、1.170、1.515、1.031和0.884 pg,存在显著差异(P<0.05).[结论]测定的5种鼠尾草C值可丰富鼠尾草属植物的C值库;基于流式细胞术建立的鼠尾草属植物C值测定方法可为该属其他植物的相关研究提供借鉴.



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