首页> 中文期刊>华南农业大学学报(社会科学版) >鸠摩罗什偈颂翻译和创作对王维诗文的影响




Gatha is the most prominent part of buddhist sutra translation in literature which the Kucha monk Kumarajiva made.Verses and poems had lots of differences among their similarities,they influ-enced each other,and also had great influence on later scholars,among whom WangWei is the representa-tive one.The influence of Kumarajiva’s sutra translation on the gatha of WangWei’s verses lie in the sentences and style,language and rhetoric,sound and rhythm,content and type.Meanwhile,the three gatha,created by Kumarajiva could not be ignored also has important influence on WangWei’s Buddhist Poems.Analyzing the delicate relationship and influence among the gatha of Kumarajiva’s sutra transla-tion,the gatha created by Kumarajiva and the poems created by WangWei,we can know more about the communication and integration between Chinese and Indian culture and literature.%龟兹高僧鸠摩罗什译经中文学性最突出的要属其中的偈颂部分。偈颂与诗歌同中有异,互相影响,其对后世文人的文学创作也发挥了重要作用,王维是其中非常具有代表性的一位。鸠摩罗什译偈对王维散文偈颂部分的影响主要体现在句式体例、语言修辞、音声韵律和内容类型等方面;同时,罗什所作三首偈颂对王维的佛理诗创作也有不容忽视的影响。罗什译偈、自创诗偈与王维佛理诗文创作之间存在微妙关系,印证了中印文化、文学交流与融合的具体过程。



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