首页> 中文期刊> 《上饶师范学院学报》 >弥补价值与理性断裂的重要途径——论中学历史教育的时代使命




In today's society, there is a gap between value and reason.First, people believe in instrumental reason in the public field, so value is reduced to personal likes and dislikes;Second, people's responses to the knowledge system of reason are indulged in the national learning craze, which is characterized by the anti-intellectualism trend, so the intense utilitarianism goes through the process between knowledge drive and anti-knowledge move.People, in such an alienated state, succeed by means of the knowledge as tool or anti-knowledge.History, as a subject, contains reasonable logic and human value.Thus, in the period of history education in secondary schools, it is necessary to strengthen the history education of youngsters , so as to strike a balance between value and reason and then to a certain extent play an effect of rectification.%当下社会面临着价值与理性的断裂.一方面,人们在公共领域中崇尚工具理性,价值仅仅萎缩至私人好恶;另一方面,人们对此理性知识系统的反弹,又投身于具有反智主义倾向的国学热中,而贯穿于知识化与反知识化之中的则是极强的功利主义.人在此异化状态中,依靠作为工具的知识或者反知识来获得成功.历史学科本身蕴含着理性逻辑与人文价值.从中学历史教育阶段开始加强青少年的历史教育,可以兼顾理性与价值,在一定程度上可以起到纠偏的效用.



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