首页> 中文期刊>商丘师范学院学报 >基于 FPGA设计及应用课程的理论和实践教学方法探索

基于 FPGA设计及应用课程的理论和实践教学方法探索



The FPGA design and application is electronic professional course include software and hardware.Now, FPGA design curriculum has a lot of problems, for example, lacking of systematic arrangement, unbalanced school distribution , the single simulation software, limited commined training, and so on, the teaching reform is urgently needed.This paper,presents a teaching mode of theory teaching,basic experiment,comprehensive experiment and the mobileapp.In addtion, the comprehensive ability is improved by Opening curriculum design. Thus, the innovation ability and the independent ability of solving the problem is enhanced.%FPGA设计及应用是电子专业集软件和硬件于一体的专业课。目前FPGA设计课程设置缺乏系统性,安排不合理,学时分配不均衡,仿真软件单一、综合性训练少等问题,教学改革就显得迫切需要。本文就FPGA课程提出了一种基理论教学、基础实验、综合实验,手机APP于一体的教学模式,再加上开放性课程设计对综合能力的培养。通过将理论和实践相互融合、相互促进,激发学生的学习兴趣、提高学生的创新能力和独立解决问题的能力。



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