首页> 中文期刊>陕西青年职业学院学报 >对增强高职生学习动力的思考




With the enlargement of vocational colleges'schooling scale, the students'overall cultur- al quality declining, whose benign learning habit doesnt develop, executing considerably negative influence in the thorough vocational students body and leading to vocational students 'inadequacy in learning motive and seriously affect teachers" teaching initiative and quality. Under the support of educational administrative department, vocational colleges must seriously research and explore how to alter students'inferiority complex, malignant learning habit and inadequacy , strengthening students" confidence, consolidating teachers" working enthusiasm , improving teachers'approaches and means in teaching and raising, maintenance , serving to enlighten quality of vocational educa- tion, providing manpower resource support for China~ economic and social development.%随着高职院校办学规模的扩张,生源的整体文化素质下降,学生良好的学习习惯基本没有养成,整体学〉--j动力不足,并严重影响了教师的教学积极性和教学质量。高职院校必须在教育行政部门的大力支持下,认真研究如何改变学生的自卑心理、不良学习习惯和学习动力不足等问题,增强学生对自己的信心,增强老师的工作热情,改善教职工教书育人、管理育人、服务育人的手段和方法,从而提升高等职业教育的质量,为我国经济社会发展提供强大的人力资源支持。



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