首页> 中文期刊>萍乡高等专科学校学报 >浅议莫言笔下的悲悯




Compassion is a positive complex topic, which stems from being moved, and is imagined from a detached attitude to life. Human nature exploring and social care are the keywords of Mo Yan's works. Mo Yan does not avoid the narrations of suffering, fear and misfortune, tirelessly recounting stories of different characters under different time. The touching deep compassion in his works is as follows: he does not avoid describing imperfect human nature and disadvantages of the society, and does not forget to answer the difficulty of human survival and establishes deep warm humanity"lighthouse", derived from Mo Yan's worship for the good of real humanity. In other words, under his pen human dignity is highlighted and human nature gets transcended. In"blood and tragedy"people deeply taste the complexity of human nature and the actual life.%悲悯是一个积极复杂的问题,它源于感动,它是从超然的人生态度中幻化出来的.人性探索和社会关怀是莫言作品的主题词,莫言不规避对苦难、恐惧、不幸的叙述.他作品中感人至深的深切悲悯表现为:他不回避人性之弊、社会之弊,同时还不忘解答人类的生存之困、树立暖意浓浓的人性"灯塔",这些都源于莫言对美好本真人性的尊崇.换言之,在他笔下人的尊严得到彰显,人性得到超拔,在"血色和悲剧"里人们深刻体认着复杂的人性和庸常的人生.



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