首页> 中文期刊>西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >从《一报还一报》看莎翁剧作与《圣经》之联系




莎士比亚戏剧《一报还一报》的创作时间与《詹姆士王钦定本圣经》的编纂时期不谋而合。这出戏剧代表了人们从人性的角度理解和看待《圣经》的新时尚。文艺复兴时代倡导的人性与传统的神性之间的矛盾在莎翁剧作中普遍有所反映,而《一报还一报》尤其贯穿着《圣经》教义与尘世现实的种种冲突。无论是在情节发展上,还是主题思想与措辞用语上,该剧都与《圣经》有着难解难分的联系。%Shakespeare′s plays were born in the age when Europe had just awakened from its long dormancy of the Dark Ages. The Reformation and the Renaissance had proclaimed the Bible as the Book of the people, no longer some treasure confined to the cells of the monasteries. As learning revived, people sought to conform all human concerns to the instructions and standards of the Book. Shakespeare must have been well aware of the fact, for his plays appear to be in many ways adapted to this divine hunger. His Measure for Measure, in particular, is full of biblical instructions and allusions, which shows how much his works are indebted to the Bible.



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