首页> 中文期刊> 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 >学生作业负担的课堂评价因素探讨




The authors interviewed 17 teachers from primary and middle schools on their understanding of the factors in students’ homework burden. The results indicated that homework assignment (types, sources, and selectivity), homework correcting and feedback, classroom feedback and assessment ethics (teachers’ preference) were believed to affect students’ homework load via affecting the accuracy, attitude and mood of students’ homework. These findings suggested that it was important to design varied hierarchical homework types to effectively alleviate students’homework burden; to improve the quality of the subsequent homework through homework correcting and feedback in description and timeliness; to effectively relieve their psychological burden by incentive classroom feedback; and to build the good teacher-student relationship to enrich their homework experience.%通过访谈17位中小学教师对学生作业负担影响因素的理解,结果发现:大部分教师认为作业布置(作业类型、作业来源和是否允许有选择的做)、作业批改与反馈、课堂反馈和评价伦理(教师偏好)通过影响学生作业正确率、作业态度和心情,进而会影响学生的作业负担。针对这些发现,提出如下建议:分层设计多种类型的作业,有效减轻不同学生的作业负担;作业批改与反馈应关注描述性和时效性,改善学生后续作业的质量;课堂反馈应注重激励性,有效减轻学生的作业心理负担;营建和谐的师生关系,丰富学生积极的作业体验。



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