


The level of economic development is an important variable to influence citizens' political partici- pation. Economic development provides an important material foundation and prerequisite to promote the citizensr political participation, but the relationship between economic development and political participa- tion is very complex. In terms of the operating mechanism of modern political system, electoral system, political party system, and supervision system are factors that have a direct impact on citizens' political participation of the political system. An inevitable requirement for citizens~ political participation is pro- moting the modernization of traditional political culture, which needs five fundamental changes. Citizens' quality has an important influence in political participation. The promotion of citizens' political participa- tion must eradicate the subjectr s awareness and foster civic awareness.%经济发展水平是影响公民政治参与的重要变量,经济发展为推进公民政治参与提供了重要的物质基础和前提条件,但两者关系十分复杂。从现代政治系统运行机制来看,直接影响公民政治参与的政治制度主要有选举制度、政党制度和监督制度。推进传统政治文化现代化是促进公民政治参与的必然要求,推进中国传统政治文化现代化需要实现五个根本转变。公民素质对政治参与有着重要影响,促进公民政治参与必然要求根除臣民意识,培育公民意识。



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