首页> 中文期刊> 《南京人口管理干部学院学报》 >基于问题和需求的新婚家庭辅导——来自家庭系统理论的视角




Newly married period is not only the key stage of formation and consolidation of a family, but also the stage which is full of familial problems and conflicts.To view family from the perspective of family system theory, it is found that the main problems of a new family are marriage role maladjustment, kinship mishandling, housework and decision-making problems and indistinct household financial management.Correspondingly, the needs of the new family are positive and harmonious family relationships, clear and explicit family rules, and the ability to achieve these goals.In order to solve these problems, new family counseling from family system perspective provides both direct counseling and communicative skill training, and focuses on assisting new couples to deal with the marriage relationship and other family relationships properly, and guides new couples to establish appropriate family rules and principles, and helps couples make family planning in equal and democratic ways, and guides the new family to form a family pattern which is expected by each other.%新婚期既是家庭形成和巩固的关键时期,也是家庭问题和矛盾频发的阶段,开展新婚家庭辅导具有重要意义.从系统视角理解家庭,发现新婚家庭的问题主要表现为婚姻角色适应不良、亲属关系处理不当、家务和家庭决策分工不清、财务管理权利不明等,相应的家庭需求有正向积极的夫妻关系、和谐友好的亲属关系、明确清晰的家庭规范以及实现以上三点的能力.针对这些问题和需求,系统视角下的新婚家庭辅导提出通过直接辅导和沟通技巧的传授,协助新婚夫妇处理好夫妻关系、亲属关系,引导建立适切有弹性的家庭规范和家庭原则,通过平等民主的协商制定家庭计划,并在此过程中帮助新婚家庭构筑符合夫妻双方期待的家庭模式.



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