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Teaching Family Systems Theory: A Developmental-Constructivist Perspective


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Kegan’s (In over our heads: The mental demands of modern life, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1994) description of an “In Over Our Heads” phenomenon has much to offer those who engage in teaching family systems theory and therapy, particularly in relationship to the tensions involved in the potential mismatch between the developmental demands of the curriculum and the orders of consciousness that characterize students’ responses to the material. Kegan’s notion of the “holding environment” and Kolb’s (Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1984) theory of experiential learning are rich resources instructors can draw on to orient their teaching and curriculum more explicitly to supporting students on their developmental journey. In this article we provide examples of how to do that and also discuss the kinds of faculty development and changes in the program culture that are needed if “teaching for development” is to become more embedded in MFT programs.
机译:Kegan(在我们的头上:现代生活的精神要求,哈佛大学出版社,1994年,马萨诸塞州剑桥)对“在我们头顶上”现象的描述为从事家庭系统理论和治疗教学的人们提供了很多帮助,与课程发展要求和表征学生对材料的反应的意识顺序之间潜在的不匹配有关的紧张关系。凯根(Kegan)的“持有环境”概念和科尔布(体验式学习:经验作为学习和发展的源泉,普伦蒂斯·霍尔(Prentice-Hall),恩格尔伍德·克里夫斯(Englewood Cliffs),新泽西州,1984年)是教师可以借鉴的丰富资源,可以用来指导他们的教学和学习。课程更明确地支持学生的发展历程。在本文中,我们提供了有关如何执行此操作的示例,并讨论了如果要更广泛地将“教学促进发展”嵌入MFT计划,则需要进行教师的发展和计划文化的变化。



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