首页> 中文期刊> 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 >流动儿童自尊、自我意识与社会支持的关系研究




在南京、南通、宿迁5所小学中采用随机分层抽样的方法选取449名流动儿童与普通儿童,了解流动儿童的自我意识、自尊与社会支持的情况,并比较流动儿童与普通儿童之间的差异以及此三种变量在各人口学变量上的差异。研究发现流动儿童与普通儿童的自我意识无显著差异,自尊方面不存在显著差异;女性流动儿童在幸福与满足方面与男性儿童有显著差异;不同年级的儿童自我意识以及分维度存在显著差异。流动儿童社会支持在性别与年级变量上存在显著差异。流动儿童的自尊、自我意识与社会支持存在显著相关。%This study aims to investigate the relationship between social support and migrant children's self-consciousness and self-esteem,and to find out whether there is any difference in this respect be-tween migrant children and and their non-migrant peers. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 449 migrant and non-migrant children in the primary schools of Nanjing,Nantong and Suqian in Jiang-su Province with the random stratified sampling method. The results show:significant gender differ-ence exist in migrant children's sense of happiness and satisfaction;significant grade difference exists in their self consciousness in different dimensions;the social support they obtain shows significant difference in gender and grade variables;and their self-esteem and self-consciousness are closely relat-ed to the social support they receive.



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