首页> 中文期刊>辽宁警专学报 >侵财犯罪女性PHI(心理健康)问题研究




随着我国经济、社会的发展和转型,社会矛盾越发激烈和凸显,犯罪形势出现新情况新特点。近年来我国女性犯罪呈现严重发展态势,女性财产犯罪在女性犯罪中占较大比重,成为女性主要犯罪型态之一。本专题研究采用心理测量方法,从调查实证角度研究女性犯罪中的财产犯罪问题,对 D市看守所在押女犯人进行 PHI心理测查调查研究。统计结果显示被调查犯罪女性与正常成年女性对照,在多项因子上存在显著差异,与其他特殊群体对照,在多项问题倾向方面存在相似之处。以此为基础分析财产犯罪女性的人格特征,希望为相关部门做好女性犯人心理矫治工作提供参考依据,为预防和打击女性犯罪,提高社会文明程度探讨有效途径。%Along with the economic and social development and transformation in China, social contradictions have become increasingly fierce and prominent. Correspondently, crimes begin to bear new features in the new situation. In recent years, female crime has increased severely, of which female property crime accounts for a very high share and turns to be a major crime type of the female. Applying psychological measurement, this paper empirically researches into female property crime and makes a survey on PHI psychological test of female prisoners in the detention centers in D city. As the study shows that, the female criminals investigated have many prominent differences from the normal adult females;but when comparing with the other special groups, they have similar propensity in many aspects. On the bases of these findings, the article analyses the personality characteristics of female property criminals, with the purpose to provide references for related departments to carry out psychological treatment on female criminals, and to offer effective ways to prevent and fight against female crimes while improve social civilization.



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