首页> 中文期刊>辽宁高职学报 >关于高职“双师素质”师资队伍建设的思考




国家教育事业发展第十二个五年规划明确提出,高等职业教育重点培养产业转型升级和企业技术创新需要的发展型、复合型和创新型的技术技能人才。高职教育培养目标的特殊性使其对高职教师提出了有别于普通高校教师的特殊要求:高职教师不仅要具备本专业较为全面的理论知识,还应具备较强的实践及动手能力。工学结合、产学研结合是培养“双师素质”教师的最有效途经。%The 12th five-year plan of national education developm ent clearly points that higher vocational education focuses on cultivating technology skilled talents of developm ent, com plication and innovation needed by industry transform ation upgrade and enterprises' technology innovation. The particularity of higher vocational education's training goal puts forw ard the special requirem ent for higher vocational teachers different from teachers in com m on colleges and universities. H igher vocational teachers should not only be qualified w ith com prehensive theory know ledge in their m ajors, but also have strong practical and operating ability. W ork-study com bination and produce-study-research com bination are the m ost effective approaches for cultivating "double-qualified" teachers.



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