首页> 中文期刊>辽宁教育行政学院学报 >紫禁城午后的一缕阳光——从留美幼童的传奇看中国留学教育的起步




Young Children who went to America for studying is the wonders not through the ages in Chinese modern history. During the ten years, which was form the beginning to the end, the one hundred and twenty students created many miracles in foreign country. The children who are from a group of young have grown into a group of outstanding youth, which put a lot of hardships. The collishion of two different culture and system made them young hearts receive great shock. The story of Young Children was also included in the history of education in study abroad. Until today, it is still well worth memorizing and researching.%幼童赴美留学是中国近代史上一件“千古未有之奇事”。从留学开始到被迫终止,十年间,120名学生在异国他乡创造了许多奇迹。他们从一群稚嫩的孩童成长为一批优秀的青年,这其中付出了许多艰辛。两种不同文化和制度的碰撞,使他们幼小的心灵受到了极大的震撼。留美幼童的故事也包含于中国留学教育的历史中,直到今天,仍然值得回味和研究。



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