首页> 中文期刊>乐山师范学院学报 >高校发展东盟留学教育的优势与培养策略--以广西桂北地区为例




In the trend of the development of overseas education, it is necessary for local higher educa-tion institutions(HEIs) to think how to participate in and share the fruit of the popularity of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, how to develop overseas education to enhance their own strength. Based on their own actual situation and social status, local HEIs should bring their own advantages into play so as to open up a new road for development and further embody their own values. This paper takes local HEIs in Guibei dis-trict of Guangxi Province as examples to illustrate the advantages and strategies of carrying out overseas stu-dents programs in this area.%在外国留学生教育的发展浪潮中,处于相对弱势的地方高校应该如何在这一竞争中取得自己的一席之地,共享对外汉语传播热潮所带来的果实,发展留学生教育,从而促进自身发展,增强自身竞争力是一个值得地方高校探讨的问题。地方院校在自身所处的自然客观地位和社会主观地位中切实发挥自身的优势,完全可以走出一条宽阔的特色发展之路,体现其自身的价值。文章以广西桂北地区高校为例,论述了该地区高校发展留学生教育的优势和培养策略。



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