首页> 中文期刊> 《兰州工业学院学报》 >《红楼梦》女性崇拜思想成因浅析∗




《红楼梦》的旷世之处,不仅表现为历来被世人所仰慕的社会历史价值,更令人惊叹的是其突出的女性崇拜情结。它撇开“女性为祸水、为贱类”的偏见,公开地赞美女性、歌颂女性。这样的诗意表达既区别于历代小说,同时也在价值上独占鳌头地成为了中国文学史上最为珍贵清奇的宝玉。可以说,《红楼梦》改写了中国主流文学中女性意识缺席的状况,具有里程碑式的意义。从神话原型、宗教文化、老子思想以及明清文化四个方面,阐述《红楼梦》女性崇拜思想形成的原因。%"Dream of Red Mansions" is a masterpiece whose social and historical values have always been ad⁃mired by the world. Besides, more amazing thing is female worship. It abandons the bias on humble women, but chooses to compliment female. This kind of expression makes it different from other novels in past dynasties. Thereafter it has become the most precious one in Chinese literature. It can be said that the"Dream of Red Man⁃sions" is a mile stone because it changed the status of female absence in chinese mainstream literature. In this paper, we explain the reason of female worship from aspects of mythological archetype, religion and culture in Ming and Qing dynasties.



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