首页> 中文期刊>昆明学院学报 >论刘基和宋濂复兴四言诗绝学的实绩及其局限——兼论四言诗的特质及其流变




Learning from the classics and returning to the ancients were the main ideas of the poetry theory of Song Lian.He looked on four-character verses as a breakthrough,and had discussed the way to revive it with Liu Ji.Also,he wrote many four-character verses himself.These verses were highly evaluated,as Wang Fu zhi said,as good as Lu Yun′s,and better than Tao Qian′s.The reason for his success in poetry creation and the revival of four-character verses was that he was against Han′s way of imitating Feng and Ya,and also against four-character verses′ submission to convention after five-character verses′ rising.He advocated to inherit and develop the spirit of the Book of Songs′ Bian-feng and Bian-ya,and look on Han-wei′s four-character verses as a new style,which was inherited from Liu-xie.%宋濂论诗宗经复古,认为四言诗乃千古之绝学,曾与刘基共倡复兴大计,并付诸实践;刘基的四言诗还受到后人的推崇,尤其是王夫之,认为千年以来,其成就堪比陆云,远超陶潜。刘基成功的原因在于,既反对两汉四言诗的式模风雅,又反对在五言兴起后四言诗的从俗格调,而主张继承和发扬诗经的变风变雅精神,同时在体制上承续刘勰等人的汉魏四言实乃新体的主张,从而使四言诗这一千古绝学在一定程度上得到复兴。



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