首页> 中文期刊>吉林工程技术师范学院学报 >翻译中的适应与选择——从生态翻译学视角看飞白对勃朗宁诗歌的翻译




Robert Browning, well-known for his "lift the veil of the soul", wrote lots of lyrics and dramatic monologues, many of which are often hard to catch for his condensed expression with countless blanks to be filled by readers themselves.As result, it is always a difficult task to translate his works into Chinese.Therefore, Feibai's successes in reproducing the charm of his poetry are definitely worthy of a careful research.The paper, on the basis of an analysis on Feibai's translation of some of Browning's lyrics and dramatic monologues from an eco-translatological perspective, proposed that a translator's proper options of ecological elements like language and culture to adapt to the ecological environment for translating are perhaps the key factors for his or her success.%罗伯特·勃朗宁以"揭开灵魂的面纱"而著称,创作了大量的抒情诗和戏剧独白诗.他的诗作经常留下大量需要填补的"空白"而显得晦涩难懂,因此,被翻译成中文难度巨大.飞白对勃朗宁诗歌的翻译成功地再现了原诗的风采.从生态翻译的角度分析飞白对勃朗宁抒情诗与戏剧独白诗的翻译,可以看出在翻译过程中译者为适应翻译的生态环境而对语言、文化等生态因素而进行适当的选择是翻译成功的关键.



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