首页> 中文期刊>江苏科技大学学报(社会科学版) >关于先行调解若干问题的思考




In the revised contents in Civil Procedure Law in 2012 ,the added regulation of mediation first trig-gered consistent attention of theorists ,and there were supporting and opposing views .In the writer′s opinion , mediation first embodies three characteristics of non-lawsuit ,free will and legal relevance ,compared with court mediation and subsistent mediation approach outside the lawsuit .The addition of this regulation meets the demand to construct harmonious society and provides legal support for existing practices of people′s court . Meanwhile ,it can possibly lower lawsuit costs paid by parties involved .But to give full play to its role ,rele-vant judicial interpretation must determine specific applicable scope of case ,the procedure process ,the presid-ing officer and force of agreement of mediation first and to avoid abusing of mediation first .%在2012年的《民事诉讼法》修正内容中,新增的先行调解规定引发了理论界一致关注,支持与反对意见皆有之。与诉讼中的法院调解及以往所存在的诉讼外调解方式相比,先行调解体现出非讼性、自愿性和司法关联性特点。这一立法内容的增加适应了和谐社会建设的政治需要,同时也为人民法院的既有做法提供了法律支持,也能在一定程度上降低当事人的诉讼成本。但要充分发挥其作用,必须在明确先行调解的具体适用案件范围、避免先行调解制度的恶意适用、先行调解主持人员的确定、先行调解达成协议效力的及时认定、先行调解的程序内容等方面及时出台相应的司法解释。



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