首页> 中文期刊> 《佳木斯教育学院学报》 >论有效的英语教师--从外语教学心理学的角度




This paper mainly adopts the method of questionnaire and theoretical analysis. Study found that, in the attribution, most middle school teachers for the success of teaching can start from the self effort dimensions, positive attribution, but there are few teachers attributed to luck, environment and other negative attribution. Self efficacy of higher teacher, will treat teaching with positive attitude, and teachers with weak self efficacy, will take the teaching in a negative, pessimistic attitude. I think, if you want to become an effective English teacher, not only to positive attribution, but also guide the students to actively, attribute;not only have higher self-efficacy, but also try to improve the students' self-efficacy.%本文主要采用了调查问卷和理论分析相结合的方法。研究发现,在归因方面,大部分的中学教师对于教学的成败能够从自我努力的维度出发,进行积极的归因,但也有少部分教师倾向归因于运气、环境等消极的归因。自我效能感较高的教师,会以一种积极向上的心态对待教学,而自我效能感较弱的教师,会以一种消极、悲观的心态对待教学。笔者认为,要想成为一名有效的英语教师,不仅自己要进行积极的归因,还要引导学生进行积极、正确的归因;不仅要有较高的自我效能感,也要设法提高学生的自我效能感。



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