首页> 中文期刊> 《日语学习与研究》 >东亚汉文训读起源与佛经汉译之关系——兼谈其相关语言观及世界观




本文主要阐述以下三个论点:1、日本汉文训读从佛经汉译的过程中得到启发而形成。2、日本汉文训读很可能受古代朝鲜半岛新罗同样方式的影响。而同样阅读方式在契丹或维吾尔等中国近邻阿尔泰语系民族中也可以找到。因中国北方自古以来长期受到北方阿尔泰语系民族的统治,结果当今中国北方方言即所谓普通话当中也有类似训读的现象。要之,此乃东亚汉字文化圈的普遍现象。3、在日韩两国,由汉文训读所形成的语言观扩大到各自的世界观,其中既有同又有异,于焉产生包括中国在内的东亚各国的世界观互相冲突。%This article focuses on the following three points: 1. The Chinese Kun-reading in Japanese is a product of the enlightenment gained from the Chinese translation of Buddhist Scriptures. 2. The Chinese Kun-reading in Japanese may have been influenced by the ancient Silla of the Korean Peninsula in the same way. And the same approach of reading can also be found in the Altaic languages in areas neighboring China, such as Khitan, Uighur and so on. Areas in northern China were dominated by northern Altaic nations in ancient times and as a result there is also a similar Kun-reading in the present dialect of northern China, known as Mandarin. In short, this is a common phenomenon in the East Asian Chinese cultural circle. 3. In Japan and Korea, Sprachansicht formed by Chinese Kun-reading has expanded to shape the worldviews of their respective peoples. There are both similarities and differences among them, and this leads to conflicts of the different worldviews in East Asian countries, including China.



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