首页> 中文期刊> 《情报杂志》 >台湾地区人文社会科学期刊评价机制评析



[目的/意义]台湾地区的人文社会科学期刊评价活动已有20年左右的历史,期间也经历了各种改革,通过分析台湾地区人文社会科学期刊评价机制,以期为大陆地区期刊评价工作提供借鉴和参考.[方法/过程]根据实地调研和文献调研方法,概述了台湾地区人文社会科学期刊评价实践的发展,分析了目前台湾期刊评比方案的指标体系和程序,并将该方案与大陆两家人文社会科学期刊评价体系进行了比较,评述了该方案的特点.[结果/结论]新的期刊评比方案整合了原有的两种期刊评价制度,其评价过程具有以下特点:期刊主动申请的方式;综合性期刊归为某一具体学科进行评价;定性和定量相结合的多指标方式,定性指标的权重高于定量指标;期刊评价与引文数据库建设分离.台湾期刊评价中的一些做法值得大陆期刊评价机构思考.%[Purpose/Significance]The evaluation of Humanities and social science journals in Taiwan has been about for 20 years, and has undergone various reforms.We hope to provide reference for the journal evaluation in Mainland through the analysis of the journal evaluation system in Taiwan.[Method/process]By means of the methods of fieldwork and literature investigation, this paper summarized the practice development of journal evaluation in Humanities and social sciences in Taiwan, analyzed the evaluation indictors and procedures in new journal system.This paper carries on the systematic in-depth discussion and analysis around the characteristics of the journal evaluation system in Taiwan through comparing the journal evaluation systems between the Mainland and Taiwan.[Result/Conclusion]The new journal evaluation system integrates the original two journal evaluation system.Its characteristics are as follows: journal of active application system;the classification of the cross-disciplines journals;combination of qualitative and quantitative indicators, and the weight of qualitative indicator is higher than that of quantitative indicator;separation of the journal evaluation and construction of the citation database.Some methods of journal evaluation in Taiwan should be considered by the evaluation institutions in mainland.



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